CONTENT LEVEL 5 Advanced Diploma in Purchasing
and Supply
The Advanced Diploma has five units but this award introduces
options to the student. There are three core units and a choice of
five optional units.
The units that make up the award are:
• L5-01 Management in the Purchasing Function
• L5-02 Risk Management and Supply Chain Vulnerability
• L5-03 Improving Supply Chain Performance
Plus two units
chosen from the following
L5-10 Marketing
for Purchasers
• L5-11 Storage
and Distribution
L5-12 Operations
Management in the Supply Chain
L5-13 The Machinery of Government
L5-14 Contracting in the Public Sector
Units 13 and 14 have recently been
developed by CIPS for UK based students.
Sustainable Procurement
Detailed Syllabus
(Compulsory Unit)
This unit is designed to enable students to manage their own area
of responsibility within an organisation’s internal supply
chain, in line with the overall strategic business plan and the
operational plan for the purchasing function.
Students should be able to implement operational plans for their
own area of responsibility to achieve objectives set out in their
plan. In doing so they should be able to employ a range of resources,
including human, physical and financial resources, and manage and
delegate tasks effectively.
This unit is about managing the expectations of the stakeholders
that are directly involved in the student’s own
area of responsibility and will provide them with management techniques
to help them to involve others, be innovative, consultative, influential
and persuasive in order to achieve targets effectively.
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
• Evaluate the challenges facing managers in dynamic and changing
• Analyse the characteristics of different organisational
structures and cultures.
• Use a range of techniques to support and implement justifiable
management decisions.
• Formulate plans to effectively manage work groups and teams.
• Propose processes and systems to enable the successful implementation
of change programmes to maximise purchasing efficiency and effectiveness.
1. The challenges of management. (Weighting 20%)
1.1 Define the term management and differentiate management from
• Definitions of management (Drucker & Brech)
• Management: planning, co-ordinating, controlling and motivating
• Management styles
• Leadership perspectives and styles
Establish the importance of stakeholder groups who directly impact
upon the purchasing function and
manage their expectations effectively.
• Stakeholders: employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers,
government, lenders
• Identifying and fulfilling stakeholder/customer needs
• Working within ethical codes of conduct and practise
1.3 Contrast the key roles and functions of managers in the purchasing
and supply function.
• Ensuring best value/quality at the lowest price (purchaser)
• Advising and recommending suitable purchasing and supply
• Building good relationships within the purchasing and supply
• Management of resources (human, financial, materials, equipment)
to be effective in role
• Policy development
1.4 Compare the diverse purchasing management practices of the private
and public sectors.
• Tendering
• Recommended suppliers
• E-Commerce: Internet, E-Auctions, E-catalogues, EDI
• Outsourcing
• Authority levels (i.e. purchase orders)
• Relationship Building
• Payment terms and other contracting arrangements
1.5 Create a set of rules for ethical behaviour.
• What is ethics?
• CIPS ethical codes
1.6 Propose ways of reporting effectively to senior management and
securing top level support and sponsorship for initiatives and implementation
of plans.
• Keeping your stakeholders informed
• Building a business case
• Report writing: structure, content and making it
• Effective meetings
• Presenting your plans
Organisation structures and culture. (Weighting 20%)
2.1 Evaluate the importance of organisational structure.
• Rationale/background: industrial revolution to modern day
• Choice of different structures to aid management
• Organisational structures: conflicts between control and
empowerment; autonomy and entrepreneurship
2.2 Evaluate the nature and scope of federal and network structures
and the implications of such structures for
the purchasing function.
• Local
• Regional
• National
• International
• Global
2.3 Assess and evaluate methods of job design for purchasing roles.
• Identifying responsibilities, associated tasks and priorities
• Updating existing roles, via job description and person
• Training needs analysis
• Competency frameworks
• Role mapping
2.4 Define the term culture and assess different models of culture
which may exist within organisations.
• Definitions/terms
• Behaviour, values and assumptions
• Organisational influences of company politics, power, bureaucracy,
rules and standards of behaviour
• Models of cultural strength, masculine/feminine societies,
cultural values and individualism/collectivism
2.5 Evaluate methods and formulate plans for managing effectively
in international or cross-cultural organisations.
• Stages of planning
• Methods: managerial and leadership styles, approaches, communication
and media channels
• Evaluation process of research (primary and secondary),
conducting pilot schemes, gathering feedback from staff and choosing
most successful option
• Considerations: cultural diversity, existing structures,
codes of conduct, differing goals and expectations
• Stages of planning
Management decision making. (Weighting 15%)
3.1 Evaluate and apply a range of tools to make effective management
choices and decisions.
• Problem and decision making process
• Pareto Analysis, Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram, SWOT, decision
making trees, cost/benefit analysis, risk
evaluation, paired comparison analysis
• Balanced scorecard
3.2 Formulate, implement and monitor operational plans for the purchasing
and supply function to achieve
organisational objectives.
• Aligning plans with strategic objectives/direction of organisation
• Agreeing objectives and targets: reducing defects, improving
lead times, reducing costs
• SMART principles
• Importance of and ways to involve the team in the planning
• Monitoring systems and processes including annual and periodic
• Reporting structures
3.3 Assess and deploy the resource requirements for the implementation
of operational plans for the purchasing
• People as a resource
• Financial resources
• Physical resources
• Time
4.0 Managing work groups and teams. (Weighting 25%)
4.1 Evaluate the concept of authority, delegation and accountability
when managing the purchasing function.
• Understanding of key concepts: taking ownership, decision
making, empowerment and responsibility
• Reasons: workload, prioritising, developing individuals
and the team, minimising blame and achieving results
• Good time management
• The delegation process
Apply techniques for building, motivating and managing successful
teams within the purchasing and supply
• What is a team/group?
• Stages of team development
• Team Roles
• Building a balanced team
• Motivational determinants: innate drive, desire, fulfilling
• Satisfying individual and team needs: praise, rewards, recognition,
responsibility, promotion, pay
• Building relationships through leadership, with trust, fairness,
equal opportunities, ethics and respect
4.3 Manage the sources of conflict which may arise within the purchasing
• Disagreement about needs, goals, values, priorities and
• Poor communication
• Lack of trust in leadership
• Lack of direction
• Lack of clarity in role
• Scarcity of resources
• Interpersonal and hygiene issues
Manage the lack of integration with the rest of the business, and
the perception that purchasing is seen as a
process function involved in product design and capital specifications.
4.5 Apply techniques to deal with conflict within teams and between
individuals in the purchasing and supply
• Consultation
• Mediation
• Negotiation
• Arbitration
4.6 Assess the benefits of a systematic approach to recruitment,
appraisal, training and development.
• High calibre of staff
• Recognition of achievement
• Identification of development needs
• Providing appropriate training to meet individuals’
role needs
• Retention
• Contented workforce
• Maintaining high levels of performance
Managing change. (Weighting 20%)
5.1 Evaluate the causes of organisational change.
• Globalisation
• Competition
• Growth
• Diversification
• Performance
• Technology
• Practical analysis using PESTLE, SWOT and Lewin’s
model: forces for change
5.2 Differentiate between the need for fundamental and incremental
change in organisations.
• Sector characteristics and dynamics
• Take-overs, mergers and embracing cultural changes
• Response to market demand
• Quality and continuous improvement
• Meeting customer requirements
5.3 Formulate plans to overcome human resistance to change and to
implement change successfully within the
purchasing and supply function.
• Psychological barriers
• Physical barriers
• Achieving commitment from staff
• Staff involvement
• Devolving responsibility
• Monitoring results
5.4 Assess the importance of changes in employment and equal opportunities
legislation on organisations.
• Equal Pay Act 1970
• Employment Act 2000 including TUPE
• Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
• Freedom of Information Act
• EU Employment Directives
• Disability Discrimination Act (1995)
• Age Discrimination
5.5 Evaluate the impact of e-commerce and technology on the management
of organisations and people, and in
particular the benefit to the purchasing function.
• Intranet
• Knowledge management systems
• MIS/MkIS systems
• Flexible working arrangements
• Telecommunications
• E-sourcing
• E-procurement
This unit is designed to enable students to undertake risk analysis
and a variety of risk assessments relating to different aspects
of purchasing and supply and to implement a range of appropriate
risk management tools and techniques.
Students will use a variety of risk assessment tools and techniques
designed to provide a detailed analysis of supply chain situations,
including legal, corporate social responsibility, ethical, health
and safety, financial, international, innovation and a variety of
other potential risk scenarios. The scope covers both the proactive
identification and avoidance of risk, as well as provision for post-event
recovery initiatives.
By the end of the unit students should be able to apply a variety
of tools and techniques, in a diverse range of
contexts, to proactively establish the level of risk presented and
to recommend ways of avoiding, mitigating or managing those risks.
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
• Analyse the nature and scope of risks for the organisation
• Assess the sources of risks and the likely impact of those
risks upon the organisation
• Plan and implement an appropriate risk management process
in order to protect the organisation’s interests
• Explain how supplier appraisals, pre-qualification of suppliers
and contract monitoring can help to mitigate
• Develop systems for testing risks and monitoring them accordingly
• Apply risk management principles to various purchasing and
supply management scenarios
• Apply a range of techniques to mitigate risk proactively
and to reduce the consequential losses in the instance of a risk
event occurring
1. Understanding the nature of risk in purchasing and supply (Weighting
1.1 Define the terminology used in risk assessment and management.
• Define risk
• How risk has a direct impact on an organisation’s
success and how risk can be directly related to cost
• Key terms: hazard, risk, risk event, exposure, loss -direct,
indirect and consequential - mitigation,
avoidance, assessment, management, force majeure and acts of God
• The differences between risk, vulnerability, exposure and
loss, as well as understanding the range of management actions available
• What is meant by a risk appetite and use of practical examples
to show how this applied
Distinguish between direct physical loss (e.g. disrupted supply)
and indirect consequential loss (e.g. reputation).
Key types of loss that may occur: financial, reputational, environmental,
health, safety, welfare and lost opportunities
1.3 Analyse potential sources of risk to organisations of both internal
and external origin.
• Internal and external hazards and risks
• Range of risks that might occur within the workplace
• Range of risks that might occur within the external environment:
including political, economic, social,
technological, legislative, environmental (PESTLE), supply chain
and international
• The likely impact on the organisation and its appetite for
Basic quantification methods for measuring
Using appropriate segmentation tools, understand the essential characteristics
of different sources of supply
(e.g. Kraljic) and identify sources of supply chain vulnerability
and/or supply failure, in particular among critical supply markets,
supplier organisations and their own supply chains.
• Segmentation tools to help assess and manage supply chain
risk appropriately (e.g. Kraljic)
• How you would take a different approach to purchasing from
a critical or bottleneck market to that of a leveraged or acquisition
• Define supply chain vulnerability, supply failure and supplier
Map a typical supply chain and identify potential sources of supply
The potential impact of supply and supplier failure
• Range of mitigating activities that a purchaser could use
when looking to protect against supply or supplier failure
1.5 Distinguish between strategic, operational and project based
areas of risk.
• Provide examples to help define risk at the strategic, operational
and/or project-based level
• Range of risk mitigation methods at each level
• How risk can be bounded and also how, if unmanaged, it can
have knock-on consequential impacts on other areas of an organisation
Evaluate the role of an organisation’s stakeholders in risk
• The roles and responsibilities of an organisation’s
risk function in relation to other functional areas
• The impact of a risk event at the functional level
• The benefits of a cross-functional team when assessing,
preventing and minimising risk
• The role of purchasing to mitigate against potential losses
to the whole organisation from risk events
The merits of taking a consistent approach across the organisation
to the assessment of risk
1.7 Demonstrate how effective risk management can have positive
benefits for organisations by reducing exposure to uncertainty.
• Reduction in levels of threat
• Higher risk opportunities being successfully pursued or
• Successful anticipation of shocks or other risk events
• Crises being avoided or mitigated
• Successful application of contingency or business continuity
• Disaster recovery planning and implementation
• Limited or no reputational or public relations damage
• Securing supply and mitigation of supply chain vulnerability
• Improved decision and policy making
• Increased customer and stakeholder satisfaction
Improved organisational co-ordination with service and delivery
1.8 Assess risks involved with using technology, including:
• Reliance on technology
• Security
• Hackers
• Fraud
• Storing of vital documents and material
Risk management processes and structures (Weighting 25%)
2.1 Propose policies, objectives and appropriate content for a risk
management strategy.
• Describe an appropriate risk policy
• How an organisation’s appetite for risk may affect
the risk policy
• Outline the purpose of a risk management strategy and a
risk management framework
• The key components of a risk management strategy
The key implications of the Turnbull report
2.2 Formulate a risk management process that addresses risk identification,
risk analysis, risk evaluation, risk treatment and risk reporting
in the context of an organisation’s strategic objectives and
a dynamic external environment.
• Key stages of a risk management process
• Methods for identifying, assessing and quantifying risks
• Classification of risk within the organisational context
• A risk report and the role of a board risk committee
How identified risks should be monitored and reviewed
2.3 Evaluate the probability of a risk occurring in particular circumstances,
the possible consequences and the
potential range of mitigating actions required.
• Define probability in relation to the occurrence of a risk
• How the likelihood of a risk occurrence will affect the
approach to risk management
• Apply the use of historic statistical data in predicting
the likelihood of future risk occurrences
Identify a range of operational risks and assign a probability to
each one
• Using the above, prioritise key risks and explain how resources
might be allocated appropriately to mitigate them
2.4 Analyse the resources required for effective risk management
and for building a risk aware culture within
• Responsibility of everyone in an organisation
• Define risk awareness and the benefits of awareness
• Describe an appropriate communication programme to promote
risk awareness
• How different functions can work together to reduce risk
• Promotion of a risk awareness culture among key elements
of the supplier base
• How suppliers can assist in the promotion of risk awareness
Propose ways in which third party supplier resources are used to
reduce risk and mitigate losses during a risk
• Range of supply solutions for mitigating losses in the aftermath
of a risk event including insurance, loss
adjusting, alternative accommodation, disaster recovery plus restoration
and recovery services
• Appropriate methods of purchasing and paying for disaster
recovery services both during a risk event
and in the normal run of business
• Identify key incentives to retain specialist services at
times of national disaster, including flood and
2.6 Develop an appropriate risk register for the purchasing and
supply function, together with procedures for
monitoring and managing the key risks identified.
• Define a risk register and describe the benefits of having
• Outline key components of a risk register
• The process of maintaining and reviewing a risk register
Design a basic risk register for the purchasing and supply function
2.7 Appraise insurance as a financial means of risk protection,
together with the relative merits of captive
• The insurance service including the role of the broker and
the insurer
• How insurers use the re-insurance market to spread their
• The key stages to resolve a claims event
• Define captive insurance and describe how in practice this
might work
The merits of an organisation self-insuring and the types of risk
that this might include
2.8 Apply a range of qualitative and quantitative risk identification
and analysis techniques including:
• Scenario analysis and planning
• Auditing
• Decision tree analysis
• Fault tree analysis
• Dependency modelling
• Political, economic, social, technological, legislative
and environmental (PESTLE)
• Assumption
• Identification frameworks
Managing risk and supply chain vulnerability (Weighting 50%)
3.1 Analyse, evaluate and propose solutions to risks in the following
• Supplier appraisal and selection
• Supplier financial stability, due diligence and credit risk
• Project failure (eg capital procurement – investment
• International purchase contracts
• Implementation of new technologies
• Ethical and environmental policy formulation and implementation
• Corporate and social responsibility (CSR)
• Health and safety legislation
• Public sector procurement
• Negotiation
• Fraud and conflicts of interest
3.2 Develop, monitoring and control techniques for testing risk
on an ongoing basis such as:
• Internal audits
• Interdepartmental exchanges
• External experts: including external auditors, risk consultants,
security advisers, mystery shoppers, research companies and the
• Use of benchmarking to assess and mitigate external risk
• Use of competitive intelligence
• Quality systems, Total Quality Management (TQM), quality
inspection and quality control
3.3 Develop contingency plans designed to overcome risk situations,
including business continuity planning and
disaster recovery planning.
• What is meant by a contingency plan
• The key components of a business continuity plan (BCP) and
how, in practice, a business continuity plan is put into practice
• Key contingency measures used by a BCP: including telephone
cascades, emergency and fire wardens, use
of IT systems to help co-ordinate activities, use of alternative
accommodation and back-up information technology systems
• The benefits of business continuity planning from an operational,
financial and reputational perspective
Appraise specific key risks and exposures in purchasing and supply,
together with appropriate mitigating actions, including:
• Contractual failure, consequential loss and provision for
• Supplier insolvency, monitoring and guarantees
• Quality failure, non-conformity and corrective action
• Project failure, project planning principles and corrective
• Security of supply, contingency planning, stock holding
and alternative sources of supply
• Technology failure, impact on supply, use of back-up systems
and disaster recovery
• Security, theft and damage
• Fraud, accounting and payment exposures, conflicts of interest,
purchasing ethics and codes of conduct
• Product liability, reputational damage, consumer confidence
Integrative Core Unit)
Achieving success within the supply chain involves a complex range
of variables, which can frequently be
dependent on one another for the success of the supply chain.
This unit is designed to enable students to use a range of techniques
and strategies to develop and improve supplier performance in order
to achieve competitiveness, efficiency and profitability within
the supply chain.
By the end of this unit, students will be able to measure and evaluate
the effectiveness of supply chain performance.
They will be able to identify innovative development of systems
to improve the performance of the supply chain,
and make justifiable recommendations for implementation in order
to aid the effectiveness of the supply chain.
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
• Discuss the contribution technology can make to supply chain
performance management
• Evaluate the organisational procedures and techniques that
can be used in developing and improving supplier
performance, including the reduction of risk and the introduction
of supplier innovations
• Set performance standards to which supply chain strategies
should aspire
• Develop an integrated approach to the implementation of
supply chain activities which are designed to maximise competitive
advantage and reduce risk exposures
• Propose systems and techniques to achieve best practice
and enhance customer service for all stakeholders
• Contrast different negotiation strategies and styles and
their effectiveness in a given range of situations
• Use a variety of support tools available and apply them
in complex and high-level negotiations
• Understand the critical elements of supplier development
and techniques to foster supply chain innovation
• Work together to support cross-functional key performance
indicators and objectives (KPIs) and to measure performance
1. Developing and improving supplier performance (Weighting 30%)
1.1 Develop source-related activities so as to inform and provide
value to other functional areas in the organisation, and in ways
that support the overall objectives of the organisation.
• The business requirements for supply, and document in an
appropriate way (specification, service level agreement (SLA) etc
• Cross-functional team-working skills to determine business
requirements through appropriate stakeholder consultations
• The need to align supply chain activities to the organisational
strategy, while maintaining a degree of flexibility to respond to
changing needs
• The need for purchasing to provide customer service to other
functional areas and identify appropriate tools and techniques to
implement such service (e.g. engagement and consultation, regular
management reporting, helpdesk solutions, consultative style)
• How purchasing, as a function, can add demonstrable value
to the business, including cost reduction, risk mitigation, security
of supply, enhanced service, improved quality and supplier innovations
• How purchasing can use its supply-market knowledge to assess
and report risks, threats and/or supply chain vulnerabilities in
an accurate and timely manner
• An appropriate communications programme that keeps other
functional areas informed about purchasing-related activities and
adds value to their own areas of responsibility
1.2 Employ appropriate key performance measures.
• The purpose of supplier key performance indicators (KPIs)
in the improvement of supplier performance
• How a supplier KPI is developed and measured
• The need for base-lining existing performance prior to the
development of supplier KPIs
• A range of potential supplier KPIs,, including price effectiveness,
cost savings, service enhancements, quality measures and improvements,
innovation and risk/compliance
• The implications of a supplier failing to meet KPIs and
outline appropriate management controls that can be used to assist
compliance (e.g. service credit/debit regimes, incentivisation and
gain share models)
• Penalty clauses, liquidated damages, increased/decreased
share of business etc
How a supplier’s performance can be audited to ensure KPIs
are accurately reported
• The various processes of benchmarking and explain how benchmarking
can be used to generate stretching KPIs
• The term Balance Business Scorecard (Kaplan & Norton)
and describe how this could be used in the purchasing environment
• How to draft a prospective balance business scorecard (BBS)
to measure an on-going supply situation
1.3 Manage purchasing activities to influence the ability of an
organisation to achieve its objectives.
• The benefits to the organisation of robust supplier selection
and evaluation
• The range of appropriate supplier selection and evaluation
techniques designed to achieve business requirements
• The methods of monitoring and measuring supplier performance
• Information on how purchasing can influence the quality
delivered from suppliers
• How purchasing can contribute to an organisation’s
approach to total quality management
• Process improvement models, such as Six Sigma, and how they
can be used in a purchasing context to bring benefit to an organisation
• A typical purchasing planning cycle and how purchasing activities
need to be aligned to plans adopted by the rest of the organisation
• How purchasing can contribute to fiscal planning activities
• Ways in which purchasing assists research and development
by third party suppliers and collaborators
• How should vendors be rated to demonstrate a positive contribution
to the business’ performance?
• How cross-functional teams can help purchasing deliver better
results for a business
1.4 Develop and manage external contacts with the supply market
to gain important information about new
technologies, potential new materials and services, new sources
of supply and/or changes in market conditions
(specifically emerging risks and opportunities).
• Define the terms: innovation, market research, supplier
analysis, market intelligence, competitive intelligence (and others)
• Define the term reverse engineering
• The process of supply market research/analysis
• How to develop an appropriate relationship with third party
research and analysis organisations
• Business reasons to conduct supply market research
• Appropriate processes for testing and evaluating supply
The processes of benchmarking and how they can be used to gain market
• The ways in which purchasing can contribute to production
1.5 Identify, evaluate and develop new and existing suppliers and
use appropriate techniques to develop and improve supplier performance
• The processes and benefits of supplier appraisal and selection
• The processes and benefits of vendor rating and feedback
• The terms value analysis, value management and value engineering
• The ways in which suppliers can work with an organisation
to improve productivity, efficiency and quality. The role of purchasing
in facilitating these processes
• The meaning of supplier adoption. The process for adopting
a new supplier and the key stages in implementation needed to switch
• The meaning of sunk and switching costs. Practical reasons
why some organisations will not switch supply, despite potential
• The process of trialing and piloting new innovations
• The follow-on processes required to implement a new supply
innovation (including user acceptance and controlled roll-outs)
• How suppliers can be managed and developed to contain supply-related
risks and reduce supply chain vulnerability
1.6 Devise appropriate supplier management organisational models
in both the centralised and decentralised
purchasing function, and demonstrate how other functional areas
might interact in these models:
• The meaning of single point of contact, and the benefits
• The relative merits of single point of contact versus multiple
touch-points for managing supplier relationships effectively
• The prospective number of touch-points that a supplier might
have within a client organisation and evaluation of the relative
merits of a diverse supply relationship
• The role of purchasing as a facilitator of supplier relationships
• The purpose and potential benefits of a cross-functional
approach to managing supplier relationships
• The role of executive sponsors of supplier relationships,
and their responsibilities
• The decentralised purchasing function. The concept of a lead
buyer how this might operate for different types of supply
Describe appropriate leadership styles to support supplier development:
• Key driving factors that will encourage a supplier to develop
and improve the delivery of goods and services
• The relative merits of selling and telling
• Various types of supplier incentive and their relative merits
• How a gain share model works and potential problems with
the concept
• Appropriate circumstances for purchasing to take a directive
approach to supplier development and, similarly, those required
for a facilitative approach
• The need for consistent measures of progress when developing
• The need for purchasing to communicate supplier development
internally within an organisation
Maximising competitiveness (Weighting 30%)
Propose and manage systematic organisational efforts to create and
maintain networks of competent suppliers, and to improve various
supplier capabilities necessary for an organisation to meet increasingly
competitive challenges:
• Why and how suppliers are segmented (e.g.ABC)
• The key characteristics of each segment of the supply base
(e.g.Tier 1: strategic, high value-add, high
risk, innovative; Tier 2: regular purchases, medium-high value, framework
agreements; Tier 3:
commodity items, one-off purchases, little relationship or value-add
• The need for a consistent supplier management process and
some of the key components it might contain
• The benefits of supplier rationalisation
2.2 Develop, manage and maintain effective communications between
an organisation and its suppliers to ensure that correct quality
specifications are given to suppliers and subsequently delivered
back to the business in measurable terms. To include early supplier
involvement and risk transfer techniques:
• The process of cross-functional involvement in the development
of a specification and the specific role for purchasing
• The meaning of the term early supplier involvement and the
key benefits and potential drawbacks to an organisation
• Some of the key principles of communicating effectively
to suppliers
• The benefits of supplier forums and supplier associations
Manage cost reduction for organisational efficiency and provide
added value to customers:
• A typical purchase cost reduction programme and how such
a programme is developed
• The benefits of volume (time and/or quantity) contracts
and systems contracts
• The relative merits of stockless purchasing and just-in-
time (J-I-T)
• How customer-driven supply chain innovations can be developed
and the role of purchasing in creating and establishing effective
• The balance between cost efficiency and quality/risk issues
2.4 Plan and develop a well-structured approach to measuring the
performance of suppliers including:
• The development of joint performance appraisal systems
• Use of cross-functional teams from both organisations to
monitor, review and analyse results on a periodic basis
• The use of both quantitative and qualitative measures
• Use of 360-degree feedback
• Supplier business continuity plans
2.5 Compare and contrast – through purchasing research –
different supply markets and conditions, and liaise
closely with logistics/suppliers to co-ordinate inbound logistics
and associated materials flows:
• Benchmarking (as described in 1.2 and 1.4)
• The benefits of documenting the key steps in a supply chain
process flow and typical ways in which this is achieved (e.g. iDEF)
• The role of business process re-engineering in improving
the supply chain for inbound logistics and materials flow
• The process of lean supply and the arguments for and against
2.6 Appraise the benefits of automated processes and information
flows and their impact on the supply chain
in terms of efficiency, productivity, quality improvement, cost
reduction, payments and materials flow
• The benefits of automated supply chain processes (reduced
cost, improved communication, reduced error, reduced lead time,
higher accuracy, greater quality, improved supplier relations, real-time
information, reduced fraud, management information and feedback)
• The benefits of automated processes and the information
gained from them for suppliers and their businesses
• How and why suppliers might choose to invest jointly with
the purchaser in automation of the supply chain
• Extranets and how in practice they work with a supply base
• The benefits of automated purchase-to-pay systems
3.0 Advanced negotiations in the supply chain (Weighting 15%)
3.1 Compare, contrast and evaluate different negotiation strategies,
styles and levels in different supply chain
contexts. (e.g. open and closed-book negotiation).
Formulate appropriate strategies for negotiation within and across
the supply chain and to manage risk and
reward in the negotiation process:
• The basic tenets of the negotiation process and the key
behaviours required to negotiate effectively in a
variety of purchasing contexts
• The need for teamwork in negotiation
• The role of trust in negotiation for both new and long-standing
supplier relationships
• Open-book negotiations and their relative merits
3.2 Manage the negotiation process in line with organisational objectives
and its relation to policy, general strategy and internal strategy
for the purchasing and supply process:
• How a negotiation campaign is designed and developed and
the key considerations required in doing so
• How the business requirements for supply need to be reflected
in the detailed negotiation plan
• How corporate policy and/or organisational objectives may
affect the negotiation plan in terms of behaviour, targets, timescales
and/or scope
• Key ethical considerations when leading a negotiation
3.3 Plan and develop appropriate techniques for managing effective
supplier relationships so as to foster trust and commitment in the
negotiation process, including:
• The three definitions of trust (Sako)
• Development of inter-organisation relationships
• Buyer-supplier partnership agreements
• Development of a relationship charter
• The importance of ethics, integrity and values
• Escalation routes to resolve issues effectively
• The human factor within relationships
3.4 Explain advanced negotiation techniques, including:
• Transactional analysis
• Game theory
• Advanced non-verbal and psychological techniques for influencing
Building and maintaining rapport
• Negotiating in the context of established long-term collaborative
Discuss the role of negotiation to mitigate major contractual disputes
and/or supplier relationship breakdown issues, including the use
of contractual escalation clauses, the role of third party mediators
and techniques for alternative dispute resolution:
• What is meant by dispute
• Identify a continuum of dispute resolution
• The process of mediation and the role of a mediator
• The relative merits of mediating with a supplier
• The range of third party intervention techniques to resolve
disputes, such as conciliation, adjudication and arbitration
• The role of purchasing in resolving disputes
3.6 Describe the formation and co-ordination of a cross-functional
negotiation team:
• The benefits of cross-function involvement in negotiations
• Appropriate roles and responsibilities within a negotiation
• The role of purchasing and how it differs from other functional
areas in the negotiation activity
4 Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain
(Weighting 25%)
4.1 Develop and implement appropriate information and knowledge
sharing systems between purchasing departments and suppliers to
provide benefits to both parties including:
• Reduced production cycle times
• Improved solutions to operational differences/difficulties
• Improved inter and intra-site communications
• Improved product development
• Reduced selling efforts
• Long-term security of the business
• Reduced risk exposure to supply chain failure
4.2 Identify the critical elements of supplier development:
• Respective roles and responsibilities of those involved
in supplier development including those of executive sponsors
• The need for continuous improvement (Kaizen) and methods
for achieving it (e.g. quality circles)
• The need for creating and fostering a team-working collaborative
environment both internally and externally with the suppliers
The role of innovation councils
• The relative merits of joint problem solving with suppliers
• Process improvement techniques such as quality circles,
Six Sigma and business process re-engineering
• Gain share models for innovation and process improvement
The meaning of breakthrough value creation and how this can be achieved
in a supply chain context
• The need for policy creation and compliance
4.3 Appraise the application of technology to automate and streamline
key operational processes within the supply chain (both internal
and external to the organisation), including:
• Information flow and use of supply-side extranets
• E-sourcing and electronic ordering/payments: on-line catalogues,
electronic point of sale (EPOS), electronic
fund transfer (EFT)
• Automated purchase-to-pay systems
• Automated payments, accounting and reconciliation
• Use of an extranet to include cross-functional representatives
both internally and externally
• Reduction of fraud and payment error risks
(Optional Unit)
This unit is designed to provide students with an appreciation of
the marketing concept, the role of marketing within an organisation,
marketing’s relationship with purchasing and supply, and marketing’s
contribution to the overall strategic plan.
Students will be introduced to marketing concepts, methods and techniques
that are used to develop marketing plans with the ultimate aim of
achieving customer satisfaction. These techniques may be applied
to both not-for-profit and commercial organisations.
By the end of the unit students should be able to evaluate and apply
marketing tools and techniques, in a range of contexts, to achieve
customer satisfaction.
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
• Evaluate the impact of the marketing environment on marketing
• Explain the role and contribution marketing makes to the
organisation and the organisational strategy
• Apply the marketing research process and the target marketing
process to gain an understanding of markets
• Apply the marketing mix to a range of organisations and
markets and determine how the marketing mix elements may be integrated
to achieve customer satisfaction
• Appraise the international marketing environment and evaluate
its impact on international marketing strategy
• Formulate a marketing plan and apply the marketing planning
and control process to a range of organisations
and markets
1.0 Marketing and the environment (Weighting 15%)
1.1 Define the term marketing and examine the concept of relationship
• Compare definitions of marketing
• Explain marketing as an organisational function, business
concept and organisational philosophy
• Compare transactional and relationship marketing and explain
the benefits of customer loyalty and retention
Examine different approaches to marketing
• Examine the network of relationships essential within a
relationship marketing programme
• Evaluate the role of internal marketing in achieving external
customer satisfaction
1.2 Compare and evaluate organisational orientations.
• Compare production orientation, product orientation, sales
orientation and marketing orientation
Propose steps an organisation might take to achieve a marketing
orientated approach
1.3 Evaluate the impact of marketing decisions on purchasing strategy
and analyse the relationship between marketing and other business
• Describe the role of marketing and the nature of relationships
with other organisational functions
• Assess the impact of marketing mix decisions on other organisational
• Propose techniques to minimise conflict between functions
within an organisation
1.4 Evaluate the impact of the micro environment, the stakeholder
environment and the macro environment
on marketing decisions.
• Describe the environmental factors that affect an organisation’s
ability to satisfy its customers
• Examine environmental trends and assess the impact of such
trends on marketing strategy
• Discuss marketing techniques, including relationship marketing,
for influencing the external environment
1.5 Assess the impact of information technology on marketing strategy.
• Examine the impact of e-media and other forms of electronic
communication on marketing strategy
• Appraise the use of information systems on data management
and marketing strategy
2.0 Understanding the market (Weighting 15%)
2.1 Apply the stages of the marketing research process.
• Explain and apply each stage of the marketing research process
• Develop research objectives
• Formulate a full research plan that details secondary sources
of data, primary research techniques, data type and sample design
• Evaluate and apply techniques used for qualitative and quantitative
data collection
Evaluate the impact of information technology on information management.
• Explain the components of a marketing information system
and its relationship to marketing research
• Assess the role of database management techniques in achieving
customer satisfaction
• Examine on-line research techniques
2.3 Compare organisational and consumer buying behaviour.
• Examine the characteristics associated with organisational
and consumer markets
• Analyse the decision making process in each market
• Analyse influences on buyer behaviour in each market
• Explain the implications of buying behaviour on marketing
Evaluate and apply the stages of the target marketing process to
a variety of organisations and markets.
• Describe and evaluate the three stages of the target marketing
• Evaluate and apply consumer and organisational segmentation
• Examine the benefits of segmentation and the characteristics
of effective segments
• Explain how organisations evaluate segments and determine
a target marketing strategy
• Discuss how positioning is used to achieve competitive advantage
and apply the positioning concept to a range of organisations and
3.0 Marketing mix strategy (Weighting 40%)
3.1 Apply the three dimensions of a product to various types of
• Apply the core product, the actual product and the augmented
• Describe the key strategic branding decisions and identify
alternative branding strategies, including brand values
• Evaluate the use of branding and packaging in product management
3.2 Evaluate and apply recognised product portfolio management tools
and explain the new product development process.
• Explain the purpose of product portfolio management and
apply recognised tools of product portfolio marketing
• Examine the use of product portfolio tools in managing all
elements of the marketing mix
Explain and assess the new product development process and the impact
of new product development on the purchasing and supply function
• Evaluate the role of test marketing within the new product
development process
3.3 Compare product and services marketing.
• Explain the characteristics of services marketing and compare
these with product marketing
• Apply the extended marketing mix in a range of situations
3.4 Evaluate and apply pricing objectives, strategies and tactics,
and identify factors affecting the pricing decision in both consumer
markets and organisational markets.
• Describe how pricing is developed as an integrated part
of the marketing mix
• Explain the factors affecting the pricing decision
• Compare a range of pricing objectives
• Describe and evaluate the major strategies to price products
throughout the product life cycle
• Explain the pricing tactics available within pricing strategy
• Discuss and appraise the tendering process in relation to
organisational marketing
3.5 Examine the key decisions in distribution strategy including
distribution objectives, channel selection, intermediary selection
and the management of channels.
• Describe intensive, selective and exclusive distribution
• Evaluate various distribution channels and the functions
that channel intermediaries perform
• Identify and discuss criteria that might be used to select
distribution channels
• Explain how an organisation selects, motivates and manages
channel intermediaries to achieve horizontal and vertical integration
• Evaluate the impact of information technology on distribution
and explain the reasons for the growth in direct channels of distribution
3.6 Apply the stages of the promotional planning process to various
types of organisations and markets.
• Explain how the promotional plan is co-ordinated with the
marketing mix as part of the marketing plan
• Examine each stage of the promotional planning process
• Propose promotional objectives
• Define and apply the promotional mix and discuss the factors
that should be considered in selecting a suitable promotional mix
• Compare each element of the promotional mix
Evaluate a range of advertising media
• Evaluate techniques used to measure promotional effectiveness
3.7 Explain personalisation and discuss the impact of information
technology on the capability of an organisation to customise the
marketing mix and communication.
• Define personalisation
• Explain the benefits of personalisation to both the supplier
and the customer
• Explain the role of information technology in achieving
a personalised approach
3.8 Evaluate the developments in new technologies and electronic
media and their impact on marketing and
promotional mix strategy.
• Discuss the trends and developments within direct marketing
• Evaluate the use of on-line marketing to achieve promotional
objectives and encourage customer retention
• Examine the benefits of on-line marketing from a supplier
and customer perspective
3.9 Determine how the marketing mix elements may be integrated to
achieve customer satisfaction.
• Propose a marketing mix strategy for each stage of the product
life cycle
• Explain how each element of the marketing mix is integrated
to achieve marketing objectives
International marketing (Weighting 15%)
Respond to key developments in the world trading environment, including
macro factors driving world trade and globalisation.
• Discuss the international trade system and identify the
benefits of trading internationally
• Examine the macro-environmental factors affecting world
• Discuss the impact of regionalisation on world trade
• Explain the role of the World Trade Organisation in world
4.2 Evaluate the international marketing environment and explain
barriers to international trade.
• Compare the macro environment in developed and developing
nations and its impact on the international marketing mix
• Explain protectionism and its impact on the international
marketing mix
Apply and evaluate international market entry strategies.
• Explain, apply and evaluate indirect exporting, direct exporting
and direct investment strategies
• Examine criteria used to select suitable entry strategies
• Discuss techniques to manage distribution channels internationally
4.4 Assess factors affecting marketing mix strategy decisions in
international markets.
• Explain alternative international marketing mix strategies
• Discuss factors affecting the international marketing mix
strategy and develop an integrated international
marketing mix strategy
5.0 Marketing planning and control (Weighting 15%)
5.1 Formulate a marketing plan and apply each stage of the marketing
planning and control process.
• Prepare a marketing plan
• Describe and apply each stage of the marketing planning
and control process
• Assess the internal and external environment through a marketing
• Develop a SWOT analysis
• Formulate appropriate marketing objectives
• Apply the target marketing process within the marketing
planning process
• Formulate an integrated marketing mix strategy and demonstrate
how management and integration of marketing mix elements can be
used to achieve marketing objectives
• Describe techniques to monitor and control the marketing
• Explain the role of marketing research throughout the marketing
planning process
• Discuss the relationship between marketing planning and
corporate planning
5.2 Evaluate and apply appropriate strategic management tools to
develop the marketing plan.
• Evaluate and apply strategic management tools within the
marketing audit
• Evaluate and apply strategic management tools to develop
marketing objectives
• Evaluate and apply strategic management tools to develop
an integrated marketing mix strategy
Evaluate the concept of customer relationship management and apply
customer relationship management strategies in a variety of situations.
• Examine the benefits of customer loyalty and retention
• Define and evaluate the customer relationship management
• Explain and apply the stages of a customer relationship
management strategy
This unit is concerned with helping students to identify the major
areas of concern in effectively managing stores and distribution
throughout the supply chain. It is essential that goods are moved
through supply chains to customers at the right time, in the right
condition, at the right place and at the right cost. Failure in
any of these areas will add unnecessary costs to the ultimate customer
while success will add value, and delight the customer.
It is essential that storage, distribution and general logistics
are coordinated, both upstream and downstream, in order to reduce
lead times, provide agility and reduce unnecessary costs. In order
for this to happen it is essential that relationships, both internally
and externally, are honed to the appropriate level.
To be effective, storage and distribution must fit in a seamless
way to the total supply chain locally, nationally and globally.
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
• Evaluate the objectives and scope of stores and distribution
in the supply chain
• Argue how the activity can meet its service and cost obligations
while adding value
• Report the factors that strategically affect the design
and organisation of a stores and distribution network
• Compare different transport modes, and decide whether to
outsource transport or manage the activity in-house
• Report on the methodology needed for evaluating the cost
and service requirements when designing the layout of stores and
• Evaluate the various types of storage and handling equipment,
coding systems and returns procedure required in modern stores and
• Compare and evaluate various methods for controlling the
activity in terms of security and achieving stated
performance criteria
• Evaluate and report on major legal areas of concern to stores
and distribution
• Report on how and why ICT can improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of the activity
1.0 Objectives and scope of stores and distribution (Weighting 15%)
1.1 Determine the scope and objectives of stores and distribution.
• The objectives of the activity
• The role of stores and distribution in a typical business
• The differences between roles the activity has in different
• The network of relationships required for the activity to
function effectively
Examine connections between distribution and stores and the supply
• The total cost concept and the idea of sub-optimisation
• The total cost concept and why it is relevant
• The major areas that need to be evaluated in order to arrive
at an optimal solution
• The cross-functional team-working skills that need to be
developed to avoid sub-optimisation problems
1.3 Develop effective and measurable service standards.
• The concept of the term customer in stores and distribution
• Methods that could be used to improve the internal and external
customer interface
• How to develop appropriate action plans to improve customer
• The various measures of customer performance internally
and externally
• The problems of cost of service levels versus benefits
1.4 Assess the concept of adding value in stores and distribution.
• The concept of adding value in the above context with appropriate
• The role of other functions internally and externally in
helping to add value to the activity
• Appropriate measurement criteria in this area
1.5 Analyse the problems associated with the area of service to
cost trade-offs.
• The major cost and service parameters that need to be evaluated
in the stores and distribution area
• Develop an appropriate method of appraising such a problem
• Examine environmental factors that could have an impact
in this area
Assess ways of quantifying costs and service in this area
2.0 Distribution planning and moving goods (Weighting 15%)
2.1 Evaluate the strategic factors affecting the choice of a storage
and distribution network.
• Macro level factors affecting the choice of a storage and
distribution network
• Major methods of storage
• The concept of a distribution network
• Current methodologies that could be used in this area to
provide an optimal solution
2.2 Appraise the role of third party contractors and logistic service
• How you would evaluate the use of third party contractors
and logistic service providers
• Develop an appropriate action plan and methodology for such
an exercise
• Appropriate key performance indicators (KPIs) in the selection
• The internal-external interfaces that would need to be consulted
in such an exercise and why
• Key stakeholders in this area
2.3 Appraise different transport modes.
• Differentiate between the various transport modes
• The characteristics and suitability for different consignments
• The concept of multi-modal transport and its advantages
2.4 Assess the importance of good transport routing and load planning.
• The factors that need to be considered in vehicle routing
• Major factors that must be considered in load planning
• Appropriate computer generated models that could be used
to assist in the areas of routing and load planning
• How appropriate KPIs could be developed in this area
• Major KPIs that could be used in these areas
2.5 Assess the impact of UK import customs controls and risks associated
with different INCOTERMS.
• The associated problems with UK import control
• How the risks can vary with imports depending on the Incoterm
Warehousing and storage of goods (Weighting 20%)
3.1 Appraise the role and effects of warehousing and storage of
goods on the efficiency and effectiveness of
the activity.
• Appropriate methodologies for evaluating the cost and service
requirements when designing the internal layout of a stores or warehouse
• Major principles to be evaluated in any warehouse or stores
• The different types of design and their associated advantages
or disadvantages
• Single and multiple storey buildings and their cost effectiveness
in different situations
3.2 Assess the different types of warehouses and equipment available.
• The different types of warehouses and stores to be found
in different organisations:
• manufacturing versus service
• push/pull environments
• public versus private sector
• The use of different types of storage and handling equipment
found in a stores and warehousing environment
• Methods for increasing the use of space in such areas
• How to evaluate cost implications in the use of different
types of storage and handling equipment
• The use of Pareto analysis and stock-turn with respect to
stock management
3.3 Evaluate different types of coding systems.
• The different types of coding systems to be found in a stores
• Significant
• Sequential
• Methodology that could be used to introduce a new coding
• The benefits and problems likely to be associated with different
coding systems
• The role for bar coding and the benefits likely to accrue
from its development
3.4 Assess the methods used in the introduction of new items and
the handling of obsolete and redundant stock.
• The introduction of new items and the importance of management
in this area
• How obsolete and redundant stock it likely to cause difficulties
and suggest methods that could be used to minimise such problems
• The need for improved communications to reduce such problems
The use of management information systems that can be used to help
control the problems associated with new introductions, obsolete
and redundant stock
3.5 Propose methods for handling customer returns and reverse logistics.
• The issue of handling customer returns in different environments
• How the problem of customer returns might be examined and
• The concept of reverse logistics
• Examine a methodology that could be used for improvements
in the area of reverse logistics
• How KPIs could be established in this area
3.6 Evaluate methods for managing unit loads, pallets, cages and
tote boxes.
• Describe the terms: pallets, roll cages, tote boxes and
their uses
• The problems associated with the management of these
• How improvements in efficiency in these areas can improve
corporate profitability
4.0 Controlling stores and distribution, including legal aspects
(Weighting 30%)
4.1 Examine methods for improving security in the area.
• Different security measures that could be used in the area
• The effectiveness of different systems
• Methodologies that could be used to improve efficiency and
• How improvements between internal and external customers
can reduce security problems
4.2 Establish systems for controlling and managing stores and distribution
• The use of different systems established to control and
manage the activity
• The need for an integrated computer system
• The need for systems that allow management by objectives
and management by exception
4.3 Establish performance criteria.
• Major performance criteria:
- Service levels
- Utilisation
- Performance ratios
• Comparative ratios
• Benchmarking
Evaluating chosen criteria with internal and external customers
• Defining action plans for improvement
4.4 Assess the different roles of efficiency and effectiveness.
• The difference between efficiency and effectiveness
4.5 Assess the use of operational research (OR) techniques in stores
and distribution.
• The use of the following in the stores and distribution
- Network analyses
- Distribution modelling
- Simulation
- Queuing theory
• The appropriate technique in a given situation
4.6 Manage and implement the requirements of health and safety legislation
in a materials environment.
• The areas affected by The Health and Safety at Work Act
• The roles and responsibilities of staff and management in
the working of the Act
• Major roles placed on organisations as a result of the Act
4.7 Manage and implement COSHH regulations.
• The requirements of COSHH (Control of substances hazardous
to health) in the materials and environments to which they are applicable
• The roles and responsibilities of management and staff under
the Act
4.8 Examine legal issues involved with the transport of hazardous
• The role of major transport legislation in the control of
hazardous goods
• The role under this legislation for drivers and organisations
5.0 Evaluating the role of information and communication technology
(ICT) (Weighting 20%)
5.1 Evaluating the role of ICT in stores and distribution.
• Why there is a need for ICT and its likely scope
• The role of information providers internally and externally
• The need for such systems to be integrated throughout the
supply chain
• The role of an integrated system in a move towards more
optimal solution
The use of the computer in basic stores management
5.2 Evaluate major developments in ICT and their effect on store
and distribution.
• Compare and contrast the roles of the following:
- Data capture devices
- Voice recognition systems
- Mobile computing
- Radio frequency technologies
- Truck and trace systems in different environments
5.3 Evaluate the use and impact of the Internet on the stores and
distribution function.
• How the use of the internet can improve efficiency and effectiveness
in the stores and distribution areas
• How the internet can be used for selecting suppliers
• The need to develop relationships with suppliers to allow
maximum use of the internet
5.4 Evaluate the use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and its
overall value to the organisation.
• The need for an organisation-wide system (ERP) and the impact
it is likely to have on the supply chain
• The role of stores and distribution when involved in an
(ERP) system
• The need for such an integrated system and its likely benefits
• Examples of ERP systems
5.5 Evaluate new developments and concepts in the area.
• Report on the likely impacts of the following on
stores and distribution:
- Efficient consumer response (ECR)
- Lean and agile thinking
- Fourth party logistics
- Alternative fuels
• The need to outsource the role of stores, transport and
(Optional Unit)
This unit is designed to enable those who work in purchasing to
assess the efficiency and effectiveness of an
organisation’s operations. This is the process of converting
input resources into output products and services and
occurs in all types of organisation, whether in manufacturing or
services, public sector or private.
Students should be able to understand how operations staff add value
to its inputs through the effective management of production and
delivery. Operations staff are likely to be the most important internal
customers of purchasing and supply chain managers.
By the end of this unit students will be able to analyse and evaluate
an operations environment and implement a
strategic plan that allocates resources in terms of materials, labour
and machinery. In addition they will be able to consider the infrastructure
requirements of the management control systems, as applied to different
process types and technologies, and select the right approach.
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
• Compare the challenges facing operations managers who operate
in increasingly complex global markets for goods and services
• Argue the business case for a new type of manager who is
capable of managing in a rapidly changing commercial and technological
• Formulate an operations strategy that will integrate with
the product requirements of a marketing function. Advise on the benefits
of make or buy/outsourcing decisions associated with specific components
and services
• Explain the relationship between design and procurement
and hence propose potential integrating mechanisms that will ensure
cost effective development of new products and services
• Have a thorough understanding of how to plan and manage
an operations function and report on the optimum layout for specific
types of process work flows and process technologies
• Have the ability to set up and formulate effective resource
plans and schedules that will deliver products in a cost effective
• Have an in-depth understanding of philosophies and be able
to apply methodologies that will assist with the management of change
within an operations function and improve the overall competitiveness
of the business.
1.0 Approaching operations management (Weighting 10%)
1.1 Appraise the changing competitive environment of operations.
• Improvements in transport
• Improvements in communications technology
• The convergence of consumer preferences
• Regional trade agreements
• The move to free market and political economies
1.2 Recognise the challenges of today’s changing technological
• Design using computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided
manufacturing (CAM)
• Modern manufacturing machinery – NC controlled machine
• Computer integrated networks
• Automated guided vehicles and inventory picking systems
• Advanced control technologies
1.3 Managing the impact of globalisation on operations management.
• Increased competition
• Shorter product lifecycles
• Management of virtual teams for new product introduction
• Constant review of core competencies versus global outsourcing
2.0 The Concept of operations (Weighting 10%)
2.1 Defining operations management and understanding operations
management in the broader context.
• Definitions of the term operations management
• Classifications under different headings to define sector
• Distinguishing operations management as one of the key functions
in an organisation
2.2 Appraise the input-transformation-output model and how it relates
to operations management
• Recognise the varied resource inputs to the input stage
• Appreciate the meaning of transformation and how this applies
to business processes as well as physical manufacturing processes
• Understand the different types of output
Distinguish the different management issues between product versus
service operations.
• Aspects of tangibility
• Quality issues
• Capacity management
• Customer service
2.4 Recognise the role of operations management within the corporate
strategic framework.
• Operations in the context of the overall supply chain process
• Different strategy levels within the business
• The theory about top down and bottom up strategic planning
• Hayes and Wheelwright model for operations
2.5 Appraise the strategic relationship between the operations function
and other main functions within the
• Marketing
• Finance
• Human resources
• Other key functions such as IT and engineering
2.6 Analyse key performance objectives, their relationship with
the order winning criteria and how they contribute
to the success of a business.
• Cost
• Quality
• Responsiveness and speed
• Flexibility
• Dependability
2.7 Demonstrate the significance of strategic outsourcing decisions
in terms of:
• Span of control within an organisation
• Core competencies
• Impact on other functions
3.0 The Design of Products and Services (Weighting 15%)
Appraise the design process for products and services.
• Define the term design
• Aspects of customer satisfaction
• New approaches to designing better products
• Understanding the full design business process
Recognise the benefits that arise from thorough design evaluation
and Improvement.
• The contribution of purchasing to design
• Compare and contrast areas of conflict between purchasing
and design
• Specifications on-line and the use of e-procurement
3.3 Establish the need for environmentally sensitive design.
• Trade-offs in designing environmentally acceptable products
• Life cycle analysis
• End of life issues
• Environmentally preferred materials
• Guidance by ISO
3.4 Argue the case for the contribution that purchasing and supply
can make to the design of products and services by the application
of certain tools.
• Standardisation
• Modularisation
• Value analysis and engineering
• Computer aided design
4.0 The Design and Management of the Operations Network (Weighting
4.1 Interpret operations as part of a demand/supply network.
• Network design and investment
• Strategic decisions in developing a network
• Feasibility factors
• Benefit factors
• Financial factors
• Organisational structure
• Integration
• Outsourcing: make versus buy
4.2 Distinguish between the different types of process in manufacturing
and service industries.
• Product and process design
• Processing systems
• Key issues in the design of manufacturing processes
4.3 Distinguish between the different process layouts and work flows
and how they impact on efficiency.
• Basic types of layout
• Relationship of layout to process types
• Design of layouts
Compare and contrast the capabilities, benefits and limitations
of process technologies in operations.
• Definition of technology
• Materials processing
• Information processing
• World wide web
• Management information systems
• Customer processing technologies
4.5 Compare and contrast different approaches to job design.
• Definition of the word job
• Advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches
• Scientific management approach
• Motivational approaches
• Socio-technical systems approach
• Human factors approach
• Ergonomics
• Empowerment and self-managed systems
4.6 Evaluate the different approaches to material handling principles.
• Approaches to material handling issues
• Key principles of material handling
• Benefits of efficient material handling
4.7 Appraise the use and techniques of work measurement.
• The use and techniques of work study
• F WTaylor
• Gilbreth’s further work
4.8 Appraise the techniques used to plan and control quality.
• Definition of quality
• Dimensions of quality
• Knowing the costs of quality
• Techniques used to plan and control quality in products
and processes
4.9 Formulation of asset maintenance and replacement strategies.
• Differences between preventative and repair maintenance
• Time to replace an asset calculation
4.10 Examine the complexity surrounding facility location decisions.
• Reasons for complexity
• Demand side decisions
• Supply side decisions
• The centre of gravity method
The Planning and Control of Resources (Weighting 25%)
5.1 Examine the objectives for operations planning and control (OPC)
and the actions necessary to control
• Definitions of OPC
• The different stages of OPC
5.2 Develop strategies for the planning and management of capacity.
• Definition of capacity
• Strategic capacity planning
5.3 Appraise appropriate strategies for managing and smoothing capacity.
• Measuring capacity
• Smoothing capacity
5.4 Calculate the loading, sequencing and scheduling of the operations
• Scheduling of work
• Scheduling in intermediate volume systems
• Scheduling in low volume systems
5.5 Differentiating between dependent and independent demand.
• The nature of demand for products and services
• The importance of inventory
5.6 Analyse methods of forecasting demand.
• The use of some basic techniques for forecasting
• Some forecasting techniques such as Delphi and periodic
5.7 Examine the mechanics of MRP, ERP and OPT control systems.
• MRP/MRPII and how they work
• Advantages and disadvantages of MRP/MRPII
• Optimised production technology (OPT)
5.8 Examine the philosophy of just in time (JIT) and continuous
performance improvement in the context of
lean manufacturing.
• The definition and philosophy of JIT
• The advantages of JIT
• JIT as the basis for a continuous improvement programme
• The use of MRP and JIT
• Aspects of lean manufacturing
Analyse how failure and potential failure can be detected and prevented.
• The definition and causes of failure
• Preventing failure through design controls
5.10 Examine and evaluate the economics of operations.
• Variable costs
• Fixed costs
• Overhead costs
• Break-even analysis
5.11Distinguish the key roles and objectives of project management.
• Definition of project management
• The project life cycle
• Creating a project network
• Calculating the critical path
• Resource constraints
6.0 Philosophies and Methods for making improvements in Operations
Management (Weighting 15%)
6.1 Examine the cultural change required to implement total quality
• TQM (Total Quality Management) as a philosophy
• The development of TQM by Deming, Crosby and Juran
• Benefits of TQM
• Criticisms of TQM
6.2 Appraise the utilisation of business processes in the delivery
of products and services.
• Understanding transformation processes
• Business processes as a part of a cross functional strategy
• Business processes as a means to delivering value
6.3 Assess the innovative application of technology for operational
• Application of technology in order to add step changes in
value added activities
• Definition of business process re-engineering (BPR)
• Implementing BPR
• Reasons for BPR failure
6.4 Compare the different evolving process technologies.
• Process technologies
• Technology and organisational structures
• Technology and the environment
Appreciating the necessity to measure an operation’s performance
against others in similar organisations.
• What is benchmarking?
• How to benchmark a function or process
• Ethics of benchmarking
• Benefits of benchmarking
• Limitations of benchmarking
6.6 Compare the different tools and techniques for facilitating
improvement and change within operations.
• Systems thinking
• Hard system methodologies
• Soft system methodologies
L5-13 THE
Unit for students in the UK)
unit seeks to explore the drivers and decision makers of central
and local government and the National Health Service (NHS), and
the impact these have upon the public sector procurement function.
unit will also include consideration of the background to current
public procurement policy and procedures, the regulatory frameworks
and rules relating to procurement practice and the role of elected
representatives and officials in making significant procurement
understanding of government policy, regulations and government initiatives
such as the efficiency agenda, social agenda and sustainability
drivers will be imperative to the success of any candidates.
unit will also include an understanding of the systems and processes
developed and adopted for audit, monitoring and measurement, including
government accounting and budgets, and the roles of the National
Audit Office (NAO), Audit Commission and Public Accounts Committee
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the background to
current public procurement policy and procedures
- Examine the value and scope of public procurement and the roles
of key decision makers and organisations
- Analyse the impact of procurement policy and government initiatives
on procurement
- Outline and assess the significance of the financial accountability
cycle for procurement policy and practice
1.0 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
the background to current public procurement policy and procedures
(Weighting 5%)
1.1 Evaluate the need to ensure that suppliers
are selected fairly by transparent and competitive procedures rather
than on the grounds of political expediency, the economic survival
of UK companies, favouritism or fraud:
arguments and evidence for and against the
use of transparency and competition in letting contracts
procedures by which transparency and competition
may be achieved
arguments and evidence for and against the
use of procurement for political purposes
measures for protecting against fraud
1. Assess the impact of policies on contracting out of services,
the Private Finance initiative (PF ) and best value on the role
and significance of procurement:
explanations for and evidence of historical
role and significance of procurement in the public sector
theories on the use of the market for the provision
of public services eg transaction cost economics, principal-agent,
contestable markets, functional matching
impact of policies such as contracting out
of services, the PF and best value on increasing the role of
the market in the provision of public services
analysis and evidence of current role and significance
of procurement in central government departments and agencies,
local government and the NHS
1.3 Discuss the implementation of private sector best practice
procurement and how it can be transferred to the public sector:
- culture and goals of public and private sector procurement
- analysis of claimed private sector best practices such as partnership,
supply chain management, cost reduction and innovation
- arguments and evidence for and against the adoption and adaptation
of private sector best practice in public procurement
- mechanisms for improving professional procurement skills and
competencies in the public sector
1.4 Evaluate the potential for traditional public accountability
systems to act as a constraint on efforts to improve procurement
- the government accounting cycle, its origins and purposes
analysis of the impact of traditional public
sector accountability systems, such as annual budgeting, role
of the Accounting Officer, internal and external audit and the
role of the PAC on professional procurement
2.0 Examine the value and scope of public procurement,
and the roles of key decision makers and organisations (Weighting
1 Assess the value and major components of procurement
spend within Government departments and agencies, local government
and the NHS:
major components of procurement spend eg direct
purchases only, grants, PF projects, all non-pay spend
analysis of robustness of sources of data on
procurement spend in Government departments and agencies, local
government and the NHS
analysis of spend by product, service or projects
2. Manage spend on goods, services and projects
by market sector to determine the political and economic impact
of public procurement:
value, frequency and volume of spend on goods,
services and projects by market sector
impact of public sector procurement spend on
capacity and competitiveness of key market sectors
policy implications of impact of public sector
procurement spend on key market sectors
3. Identify and discuss the roles of elected representatives
(ministers, Members of Parliament (MPs), local councillors and council
committees) and officials (Permanent Secretaries, Agency and NHS
Trust Chief Executives and Finance Officers) in the procurement
implications of the need for democratic oversight
for the governance of public procurement
roles of elected representatives (ministers,
MPs, local councillors and council committees) in the governance
of public procurement
roles of officials (Permanent Secretaries,
Agency and NHS Trust Chief Executives and Finance Officers)
in the procurement process
impact of devolution in Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland on procurement policy in the devolved regions
4. Identify and discuss the roles of the Office
of Government Commerce (OGC), the NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency
(PASA), and the Improvement and Development Agency ( DeA) in local
government, as well as equivalent bodies in Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland:
- significance of the development of policy and co-ordinating
organisations for public procurement at central, regional, local
and sectoral levels
- analysis of the roles of specific organisations such as OGC,
the NHS PASA, and the DeA
- arguments for and against and evidence of the effectiveness
of centralised or collaborative procurement nationally, regionally
or by sector
3.0 Analyse the impact of procurement policy and government initiative
son procurement (Weighting 30%)
3.1 Discuss the effectiveness of regulatory goals of probity and
transparency in protecting against fraud and ensuring non-discrimination,
‘managing rather than obviating risk’ (Treasury 000):
identify general risks from procurement
arguments for using probity and transparency
to manage procurement risks
mechanisms for balancing the risks of fraud
and non-discrimination against the need for innovation and entrepreneurialism
in procurement
3.2 Argue the extent to which procedures based upon formal competition
achieve value for money and competitive supply:
definitions of competition and competitiveness
and the differences between them
definition and application of the concept of
value for money
evidence of the effectiveness of formal competitive
procedures in achieving value for money and competitiveness
innovative mechanisms for adapting formal competitive
procedures to enhance value for money and competitiveness eg
early involvement of procurement expertise, early involvement
of potential suppliers, use of e-procurement, improved management
information on markets and suppliers
3.3 Assess the contribution of procurement to meeting government
efficiency targets:
3.4 Propose ‘spend to save’ initiatives through developing a robust
business case with deliverables identified:
3.5 Discuss for and against using public procurement
to promote Government initiatives such as the social agenda, local
sourcing, sustainability and diversity:
3.6 Manage the complexity of balancing conflicting procurement
goals within competing political and cultural contexts:
conflicts between regulatory, commercial and
socio-economic goals of public procurement
political and organisational contexts within
which pressures to achieve conflicting procurement goals operate
evidence of the successful management of pressures
to achieve conflicting procurement goals in central and local
government and the NHS
4.0 Outline and assess the significance of the
financial accountability cycle and the role of audit for improving
procurement policy and practice (Weighting 0%)
4.1 Assess the implications of the government accounting
cycle for procurement, particularly in relation to multi-year major
service or project contracts and year-end spend:
implications of the accounting cycle for multi-year
service contracts, complex projects, non-conventional finance
and value for money procurement spend
mechanisms for adapting the accounting cycle
to facilitate mechanisms for risk-taking, innovation an entrepreneurial
approach to modern professional procurement
4. Discuss the roles of the NAO and Audit Commission in promoting
good procurement practice within the accountability framework:
evidence of promotion of good procurement practice
in reports by the NAO and Audit Commission
mechanisms and processes for successful collaborative
working between the procurement and audit functions
limits of collaborative working to ensure the
independence of the audit role 4.3 Evaluate whether the role
of the PAC, local government auditors and the Audit Commission
(in relation to the NHS) in highlighting and publicising incidences
of poor procurement practice, leads to the reinforcement of
a risk avoidance culture:
evidence of the positive and negative impact
of reports by the PAC and other audit bodies on procurement
means of influencing organisational policy
and procedures towards a positive approach to managing risks
from procurement spend based upon a strategic approach, senior
management ownership and the effective deployment of procurement
Unit for students in the UK)
This unit recognises the differences in contracting
and regulatory requirements within the public sector environment.
It is intended to go beyond the CIPS Level 4 Developing Contracts
in Purchasing and Supply, in order to take on the challenges of
managing a contract from inception through to conclusion.
The unit is designed to provide students with the
knowledge and understanding to analyse concepts underlying the contracting
process, including markets, transparency, competition, relationships
and trust.
Students will be expected as a result of studying
this unit to be able to manage the contracting process efficiently
and effectively through developing the business case for the procurement,
analysing the nature and scope of the contract, applying appropriate
selection procedures and developing positive relationships with
suppliers to realise intended benefits in the context of public
accountability and responsible stewardship.
On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
- Develop the business case
- Analyse the nature and scope of the contract
- Manage the supplier selection process through the application
of appropriate rules and procedures
- Develop and maintain positive relationships with suppliers to
realise benefits
1.0 Develop the business case (Weighting 5%)
1.1 Evaluate potential risks and establish appropriate procedures
to manage risks:
Types of risk:
- Political eg reputational, loss of democratic oversight by elected
- Limited competition in the market
- Failure to meet performance standards
- Change of law
- Security of supply, contingency planning, stockholding and alternative
sources of supply
- Quality, project or technology failure
- Supplier insolvency, monitoring and guarantees
- Security, theft and damage
- Fraud, accounting & payment exposures, conflicts of interest,
purchasing ethics and codes of conduct
- Contractual failure, consequential loss and provision for remedies
Procedures to manage risks:
1. Assess the relative merits of internal, external or mixed provision
of the purpose of the contract:
arguments for and against internal, external
or mixed provision by public, private and third sector providers
eg voluntary bodies, charities
policy on contracting out, competitive tendering,
use of private finance, private and voluntary sector expertise
models for determining the appropriate governance
arrangements eg transaction cost economics, relational competence
1.3 Identify the correct level of approval for the purchase and
obtain authority to proceed:
official (eg by grade, by department (Purchasing,
Finance etc)), legal and political (eg Council Committee, ministerial)
approval levels in accordance with established procurement and
ethical procedures
relevance of approval procedures under Gateway
reviews or programme and project management techniques such
as PR NCE and Managing Successful Programmes (MSP)
internal and external stakeholders with whom
consultation is necessary
1.4 Plan that procurement staff with expertise appropriate for
the requirement are involved at an early stage:
- risks of not involving procurement at an early stage
- procurement knowledge and competences appropriate for various
- communication skills appropriate for interacting with more senior
staff and staff from different professional and technical backgrounds
1.5 Differentiate the appropriate funding mechanisms, whether conventional,
PPP/PF or mixed:
2.0 Analyse the scope and nature of the contract (Weighting 30%)
2.1 Evaluate the supply market for changes to suppliers, technology,
the nature and extent of competition:
2.2 Evaluate opportunities for aggregation of requirements and
co-operative procurement paying due attention to the optimum geographical
and sectoral scope of the contract:
other buying organisations with similar requirements
by sector, region, size etc
EU and UK rules on aggregation and joining
previously let frameworks or contracts
nature of the client’s requirement: standard;
some added/amended features; tailored for client
optimum geographical scope of sourcing and
delivery: local, regional, national, European Economic Area;
2.3 Propose the opportunities for sustainable procurement,
and the need to enhance supply to the public sector by SMEs and
minority owned businesses:
policy on and sources of sustainability:' green’
procurement including energy efficiency, recycling, biodegradability;
ethical procurement
mechanisms and EU/UK rules on enhancing access
by SMEs and minority owned businesses: splitting large contracts
eg geographically, by category; preference schemes; outreach
eg meet the buyer, internet, multilingual documentation
2.4 Plan the appropriate duration of the contract
and the optimum number of suppliers in relation to the nature of
the requirement, the supply market and the opportunities for aggregation:
factors impacting on contract duration eg duration
of the requirement; market characteristics eg technological
change, stability/volatility of price, capacity, storage; EU/UK
rules and policy; supplier relationships
- factors affecting the number of suppliers eg capacity of the
market; impact on competition; range of products/services included;
ease of managing the supply chain; number and location of customers
and delivery points; scope for enhancing access by SMEs and minority
owned businesses; risk of too few suppliers
2.5 Manage the specification by involving clients,
potential suppliers, financial and technical experts at an early
advantages and disadvantages of performance,
functional and technical specifications for various products,
services, projects
policy and EU/UK rules on involving potential
suppliers in specification
types of financial and technical expertise
for various requirements and their sources eg in-house, other
government body, private consultancy
cross functional team working
2.6 Discuss the intended costs and benefits from
the contract and incorporate targets, incentives, monitoring and
reporting mechanisms for their realisation:
sources of information on costs and benefits
of the requirement eg supplier associations, trade literature,
standard labour costs, supplier’s accounts, other procurement
factors affecting sharing of benefits and costs
from the contract eg nature of the requirement eg strategic,
bottleneck, non-critical, leverage; nature of the relationship;
cost of provision; nature and allocation of risks
opportunities for incentivisation through targets
appropriate for the requirement and the relationship
factors affecting allocation of responsibility
for monitoring and reporting between client and contractor
types of management and operational information
eg cost, quality, delivery performance against target; timeliness
of reporting; problem solving and dispute resolution; performance
against critical targets or ‘gates’
3.0 Manage the supplier selection process through
the application of appropriate rules and procedures (Weighting 15%)
3.1 Plan at an early stage the selection procedures
appropriate to the requirement with reference to EU and national
rules, in particular the use of competitive dialogue, frameworks
and the opportunities for e-tendering:
- EU and UK rules and policy on supplier selection procedures
- advantages and disadvantages of competitive and negotiated selection
- appropriateness of various selection procedures eg competitive
tender, framework agreements, competitive dialogue, for a range
of requirements eg goods, services, projects
- types of and opportunities for electronic procurement eg e-tendering,
3. Manage the tendering process transparently through
explicit identification of selection criteria and weights, appropriate
advertising and the provision of documentation which informs suppliers
clearly of the requirement without overburdening them:
obstacles to accessing public procurement eg
identification of business opportunities; excessive tender documentation;
compliance with standards and technical specifications; unclear
delivery requirements; inadequate volume information; vague
selection criteria; insufficient time to respond; no contract
award information
mechanisms for reducing barriers to supply
eg develop commercial expertise; clarity of roles of procurement
staff, technical experts and end user; consistency in the tender
process; single point of access; explicit weighting of criteria
3.3 Ensure that tenders are evaluated in accordance
with procedures using the advertised selection criteria and weights,
and that successful and unsuccessful suppliers are provided with
the opportunity for debriefing:
EU and UK rules and policy on selection criteria
and weighting
relevance of selection criteria for various
requirements eg products, services, projects; policies eg access
of SMEs and minority businesses, through life capability; use
of procurement for socio-economic purposes; sustainable procurement
organisational policy, procedures and ethical
aspects of the constitution and operation of evaluation panels
mechanisms for the provision of effective feedback
eg email, telephone, face to face; on-demand or provided automatically;
presentation of outcomes of evaluation
4.0 Develop
and maintain positive relationships with suppliers to realise benefits
from the contract
(Weighting 30%)
4.1 Evaluate the relationship continuum from arms
length to close and collaborative and deploy strategies appropriate
to the relationship and the requirement:
characteristics of types of relationships
factors affecting the relationship strategy:
strategic or operational requirement; degree of clarity and
certainty about the requirement; competitiveness of the supply
market; one-off, short term or long term duration; power of
buyer and supplier
4. Evaluate the costs and benefits of developing
partnership and relationships based on mutual trust with suppliers:
potential costs of developing partnership:
‘hard’ eg systems alignment, senior management and staff time,
relocation; ‘soft’eg cultural change, building trust, joint
potential benefits of developing partnership:
improved communications; integrated systems; shared understanding
of the requirement; improved problem solving and dispute resolution;
continuous cost, quality and process improvement (Cox and Hines
1997;Erridge 1995;Erridge et al 001)
4.3 Develop a shared understanding of deliverables
expected from the contract based upon cost down initiatives and
benefit sharing:
- policy on and evidence of supplier innovation and benefit sharing
- models of developing partnerships eg Ellram
- types of deliverables with targets and deadlines
- agreement on factors triggering variations to or termination
of the contract eg change controls, exit strategies
4.4 Plan and manage the supply relationship through
the collation, analysis and dissemination of data to enhance current
and future supply market intelligence:
joint governance arrangements appropriate to
the relationship eg Siemens/Office of National Savings, balancing
top level policy making with middle and lower level reporting
on implementation and performance against targets
negotiation and problem solving strategies
appropriate to achieving goals within a partnership relationship
types of data to enhance current and future
supply market intelligence eg performance of current supplier
against targets; level of competition from potential alternative
suppliers; development of new technology, processes or intellectual
capital impacting on the market.
PROCUREMENT (Optional Unit)
This unit is designed to provide students with a
working knowledge of sustainable procurement:
what it is, how it aligns with overall organisational strategies,
policies and operations and how to recognise, apply and successfully
manage sustainable procurement activities to achieve future
improvements and benefits and mitigate risk.
Through the exploration and evaluation of
external and internal sustainability factors, drivers, barriers and
trade-offs, students will cover a wide range of situations across
sectors and industries.
By the end of the unit, students should be able
to recognise and implement appropriate sustainable specifications,
sourcing and whole-life contract management for products and
services. They will be equipped with supplier audit, assessment and
development tools to measure and increase sustainable procurement
activity in the global supply chain. They will furthermore be
encouraged to develop and implement policy and engage stakeholders,
acting as catalysts for change in the internal and external
environment in which their organisations operate.
On completion of this unit, students will be able
• Compare definitions of sustainable procurement
in relation to sustainable development and apply them appropriately
to different business sectors within local, national and global
• Evaluate the key internal and external factors, in particular
legislation, which influence the achievement of successful
sustainable procurement across different business sectors,
organisations and geographic regions, taking into account both
current and emerging global trends
• Analyse the importance of aligning sustainable procurement policy
and operations to overall business strategy of the organisation
• Assess the main criteria for sustainable procurement
specifications, sourcing and whole life contract management of
products and services
• Apply supplier audit, assessment and
development tools to the supply chain in order to measure and
improve sustainable procurement
• Evaluate the drivers, barriers, conflicts and trade-offs to
achieving sustainable procurement within the organisation
• Evaluate ways in which procurement personnel could act as
catalysts for change in engagement with the internal and external
environment to mitigate risk, secure supply and ensure sustainable
supply chains
1. Defining and developing sustainable
(Weighting 20%)
1.1 Define sustainable procurement in relation to the concept of
sustainable development
• Sustainable development versus sustainable procurement
• Brundtland Commission definition
• Sustainable consumption and production
• Differing definitions of sustainable procurement
• The United Nations Environment Programme for Sustainable
• European Union sustainable development strategy
• Sustainable procurement task force
• How sustainable procurement supports sustainable development
• Why sustainable procurement should be good for business
1.2 Analyse current and emerging global trends in the field of
sustainable procurement
• Innovation and the successful implementation of sustainable
procurement ideas
• World-wide demographic trends
• Overall production and service capacity and capability
• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
• A changing skills base
• Alternatives to fossil fuels and rising energy costs
• Availability, use, and depletion of diminishing natural resources
• Sustainable procurement as a qualifier for all purchasing
1.3 Evaluate the external factors influencing sustainable
procurement and apply the PESTLE
model in the context of different organisations and sectors,
including the public, private and
third-tier sectors:
• The “triple bottom line” of environmental, social and economic
• International and local influences on sustainable procurement
o Political (e.g. government policies, targets and incentives –
workforce structure, waste
management, conservation and protection of natural resources, land
use, water management,Local Government Act 2000, Local Agenda 21, Special Development
o Economic (e.g. basic principles of supply and demand, costs,
exchange rates, employment
market, availability of materials and energy/fuels)
o Social/ethical (e.g. availability of skills, working conditions
and practices, corruption,corporate citizenship, CIPS’ ethical code, societal values, ethical
farming, fair trade)
o Technological (e.g. innovation, new technologies, materials and
o Legislative (e.g. environmental laws, workforce legislation)
o Environmental (e.g. renewable vs non-renewable energy, waste
management/reduction –
landfill capacity, packaging, carbon footprint reduction, global
climate change – availability of
agricultural land, water, greenhouse gas/CO2 emissions, pollution)
• External stakeholder pressure and attitudes (e.g. BSE, bird flu,
use of artificial colours and
flavours, GM crops, animal testing)
• Standards
1.4 Evaluate the internal factors influencing sustainable
procurement in the context of different
organisations and sectors, including the public, private and
third-tier sectors:
• Performance improvement (e.g. competitiveness, profitability,
growth potential)
• Organisation strategy, policies and procedures
• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy
• People development policy
• Risk management (e.g. securing supply)
• Management attitudes
• Internal stakeholder positions and attitudes
• Availability of sustainable resources in the areas of labour,
materials and processes (eg
population demographics, skill levels in the supply chain, new
materials, products and processes –textiles, plastics, farming)
• Brand reputation (eg use of child labour – clothing industry, CO2
emissions – aviation,
automotive and travel industries)
• Product and service design criteria and impact on the environment
• Internal capacity and capability (eg more efficiency through waste
reduction – Ohno’s 7 wastes)
1.5 Identify which external and internal factors will drive
sustainable procurement within an
organisation and compare and contrast their relative importance
across public, private and
third-tier sectors
• External and internal drivers
• Characteristics of the different sectors in the context of
sustainable procurement
• Key drivers for different sectors, industries and businesses
• Sustainable procurement drivers as distinct from effects
2. Operational implementation of sustainable procurement policy
(Weighting 20%)
2.1 Evaluate the area of sustainable procurement aligned with
organisational strategy and the
operational impact of its implementation across the procurement
function and the other
functions within the organisation
• Alignment with mission statement and core values
• ‘Balanced scorecard’ approach for consistency across the
o Financial
o Customer
o Internal business
o Innovation and learning
• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) statement
• Implications for organisation structure and resources
• Common targets and objectives
• Realistic timescales
• Benefits and trade-offs for the business (e.g. reputation)
2.2 Examine the stages in the development of a sustainable
procurement policy and policy
deployment guidelines
• Obtaining commitment
• Communication to stakeholders
• Setting targets and objectives
• Clear responsibilities
• People development
• Implementation
• Ongoing management/review
• Flexible approach to respond to new or different drivers
2.3 Explain how to implement the practical steps for introducing a
sustainable procurement
• Key stages in the development of an implementation plan
• The ‘Flexible Framework’ approach
• Procurement professionals as agents for change within the
• Procurement professionals as ‘key players’ in the interface with
the external environment
• Management of stakeholders and getting buy-in
• Maintaining commitment to sustainable procurement principles
• Planning for continuous improvement
3. Operating a sustainable procurement approach
(Weighting 30%)
3.1 Explain and analyse the process of developing and applying
sustainable procurement to
purchase specifications for products and services in the context of
different organisations
and sectors
• Sustainability of customer requirements
• Classification of materials components and services using the
Kraljic model
• Innovation and sustainable design
• Sustainable materials and processes
• Service level agreements
• Impact of the end product or service
3.2 Using a purchasing and supply management model, identify and
evaluate the main
considerations for sustainable sourcing at each stage of the
sourcing process for different
organisations and sectors
• A review of the stages in the sourcing process including:
identification of requirement, sourcing plan, marketplace analysis, evaluation and short-listing of
suppliers, preparation
of enquiry/tender document, receiving and evaluation of offers,
supplier selection and
creation of contract or relationship
• Models: CIPS’ procurement and supply management model, Ministry of
acquisition operating framework (AOF), the supply chain operations
reference (SCOR)
• Economic considerations
o Financial
o Operational
o Technological
• Social and ethical considerations
o Skills base
o Workforce practices
• Environmental considerations
o Location
o Impact on the environment
• Standards and Legislation
o Kyoto Protocol
o International Labour Organisation (ILO) standards
o EU Directives 2004/17/EC and 2004/18/EC on public procurement
o ISO14001 environmental standards
o ISO15686 whole-life costing standards
o Finance and Tax laws (e.g. Sarbanes Oxley)
o ‘Fair Trade’ standards
3.3 Evaluate the benefits and risks of sustainable whole-life
contract management for purchasing
and supply contracts
• A review of contract management factors including: ongoing
contract and relationship
management, receipt of products and services, asset management and
‘lessons’ management
• Allowing for new sustainable procurement developments and targets
within contract and
relationship management
• Linking the benefits to organisational performance and success
(e.g. whole-life costing and
return on investment)
• The benefits of continuous improvement in sustainable contract
management for the
supply chain
• The risks and contingencies associated with a sustainable
procurement approach to
whole-life contract management
o Long term supplier relationships
o ‘Preferred’ suppliers
o Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)
o Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs)
3.4 Apply effective tools for the implementation, measurement and
monitoring of sustainable
procurement within an organisation and evaluate the similarities and
differences compared to
other organisations and sectors
• Supplier and supply chain audit, assessment and evaluation (e.g.
green audit, Oxfam supplier
• Key performance indicators (KPIs)
• Total cost of ownership
• Cost management
• Product life-cycle analysis
• Stakeholder mapping and communication
• Source planning
• Supply chain mapping
3.5 Identify and apply appropriate supplier development tools and
processes in order to both
introduce and improve sustainable procurement within the local and
global supply chains
• Prioritisation of suppliers and products
• Clear sustainability objectives, targets and requirements
• Gap analysis
• Problem-solving and escalation
• Supply chain communication and co-operation
• Achievable deadlines
• Monitoring improvements
4. Sustainable procurement challenges
(Weighting 30%)
4.1 Evaluate the barriers to achieving sustainable procurement
within different organisations and
sectors in both the global and local context
• Cost issues such as raw materials, process costs, recycling and
re-use, budget and funding
• Attitudes of key stakeholders including customers, shareholders,
employees, donors,
suppliers, buyers and the general public
• Policies at international, European Union, government,
organisation and department
• External cultural factors such as nationality, religion and ethics
• Internal management culture within sectors, industries and
• Level of economic stability: growth or decline, inflation levels
and trends, credit
restrictions and protectionism
4.2 Using appropriate tools, analyse the potential conflicts in
achieving sustainable procurement
for different sectors and industries and suggest how these can be
• Tools: force field analysis, SWOT
• Economic performance versus social and environmental
• Sourcing from developed countries versus developing countries
• Local versus international sourcing
• Environmentally friendly products and processes versus product
• Lowest achievable price versus ethical considerations
4.3 Evaluate the potential trade-offs in the achievement of
sustainable procurement within the
context of an organisation
• Common international supplier standards leading to more
• Component and service standardisation allowing less opportunity
for product and brand
• Paying or investing more for an enhanced reputation
• Investment in the short-term to protect long-term supply of
products and services
4.4 Explore the future challenges for the purchasing profession in
the area of sustainable
procurement within a global market place
• Sustainable procurement and end-to-end supply chain activity
• Stakeholder priorities
• National and global challenges to successful sustainable
• Supplier development
• Managing for risk and vulnerability in the supply chain
• Making sustainable procurement ‘business as usual’
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