CIPS International
Certificate in Purchasing and Supply
The Certificate is
intended to introduce you to the main skills and ideas involved
in working in the purchasing and supply chain, and enable you to
solve day-to-day problems and run routine operations.
There are five
modules in the Certificate. You must do
all of them. Ideally
you should study the modules in the order in which they are listed
C1 - Understanding Purchasing Principles
To provide students with an
introduction to the key principles and objectives that underpin the
professional purchasing task.
Professional purchasing encompasses a
wide range of activities. This unit provides an overview of the key
operational processes and principles involved in organisational
1. Identifying needs:
Introduction to the 'five rights' and the operational objectives of
The right quality: quality as
'conformance to specification' and 'fitness for purpose', the costs
of getting quality wrong, specifications and quality, approaches to
managing supplier quality
The right quantity: determining the
quantity required, factors influencing the choice of how much to
buy, minimum order levels and values
The right place: in bound
transportation of goods to the delivery point, issues arising from
international transportation
The right time: internal, external and
total lead time and factors that influence lead time, expediting,
measuring supplier delivery performance
The right price: the different types
of cost, and where purchase price fits in, factors affecting how a
supplier prices their products or services
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
1.1 Explain the fundamental objectives
of the purchasing task as expressed by the 'five rights'
1.2 Outline the key issues that need to
be addressed with a view to ensuring that the buyer obtains the inputs
of the right quality, quantity, price delivered to the right place, at
the right time
1.3 Examine the buyer's role in defining
the 'five rights'
1.4 Explain the importance of clearly
specifying requirements with respect to the 'five rights' within the
purchase order and associated documentation
2. Specifying requirements
- Definition of specifications
- Prescriptive and non-prescriptive
- Ideal characteristics of a
- The buyer's role in preparing
- Common problems with
- Different types of product and
service specification: brand name, sample, design/drawing,
composition, performance/functional
- Standards and standardisation
- Value engineering and value
- Taking account of legislative
requirements and company policy in specifications
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
2.1 Explain the purpose of
2.2 Describe how a buyer can contribute
to preparing specifications
2.3 Discuss the benefits of value
analysis and value engineering in preparing specifications
2.4 Identify the different types of
specification, and suggest when each type is appropriate
2.5 Highlight areas where legislation
and company policy may impact upon specifications
2.6 Explain the benefits of standards
and standardisation
3. Contracts
Definition of a contract
Why contracts are needed
The buyer's role in preparing
Forming a contract: offer and
acceptance, consideration, intention to be legally bound, legal
Representations and terms
Types of contract terms: express and
implied terms, conditions and warranties
Remedies for breaching terms of the
Common contract terms: title, property
and risk, defect liability, payment terms, liquidated damages,
subcontracting, variation, termination
Model forms and standard forms of
Settling contractual disputes
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
3.1 Explain when a legally enforceable
contract comes into being
3.2 Distinguish between the different
types of terms that make up a contract
3.3 Explain the implications of the
'battle of the forms' to buyers
3.4 Identify and discuss key commercial
terms that can be incorporated into commercial contracts
3.5 Describe the benefits of using
standard contracts
3.6 Outline the different ways in which
contractual disputes can be resolved
4. Ethical issues in purchasing
Conflicts of interest
Gifts and hospitality
Dealing with suppliers ethically
Designing systems and procedures to
discourage unethical practices
The CIPS Code of Ethics
Ethical sourcing and trading
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
4.1 Distinguish between ethical and
unethical practices in business transactions
4.2 Explain the CIPS Code of Ethics
4.3 Explain the reasons for and meaning
of ethical sourcing
C2 - Selecting the Right Supplier
To provide a framework that can be
used in order to identify potential sources of supply, appraise and
select the best suppliers from these sources and then monitor and
encourage improvement in these suppliers.
A successful purchase will always
depend on finding and selecting the right supplier - this is
particularly important for items which are critical to the operation
of the organisation.
1. The sourcing process
a) The stages in the sourcing cycle
b) Purchasing documentation associated
with each stage
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
1.1 Identify what characteristics the
right supplier will possess
1.2 Describe the key stages of the
sourcing process
1.3 Demonstrate familiarity with the
documents that are used in the sourcing process
1.4 Explain the importance in the
purchasing process of selecting the right supplier
2. Appraising suppliers
- When supplier appraisal should be
carried out
- Methods of supplier appraisal
- Supplier appraisal criteria
including: technical/quality, financial, commercial and
environmental appraisal
- Evaluating suppliers' commitment
- Evaluating suppliers' capabilities
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
2.1 Explain what supplier appraisal is,
the need for it and why it is an important procurement activity
2.2 Explain how a supplier appraisal can
be carried out
2.3 Describe how to appraise a
supplier's capabilities in a number of areas and how to draw
conclusions as to the best supplier under given circumstances
2.4 Appraise a supplier's commitment in
addition to their capabilities
3. Sources of information
- Identifying potential sources of
- Sources for supplier evaluation
- Setting up a supplier data system
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
3.1 Identify different sources of
information about suppliers and how these sources enable the buyer to
appraise a supplier's capabilities
3.2 Discuss the impact of electronic
systems like the Internet, in both supplier identification and
supplier evaluation
3.3 Explain the advantages of
computerised systems of managing information over manual systems
3.4 Suggest useful categories of
information which could be held on a supplier data system
3.5 Design a simple supplier data system
4. Sourcing methods
- Requests for proposals and
- Open tendering processes
- Restricted and selective tendering
- Direct negotiations and
post-tender negotiation
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
4.1 Explain the stages of the tendering
process and the appropriate use of tendering
4.2 Outline and explain the advantages
and disadvantages of the different types of tendering arrangements
4.3 Identify appropriate circumstances
for direct negotiations with suppliers, rather than using competitive
4.4 Identify situations where the use of
post-tender negotiation is appropriate
4.5 Describe how quotations or bids
received from suppliers could be analysed, how data would be tabulated
and how judgements would be made as to which bid represents best value
for money for the buyer.
C3 - Effective Negotiation in Purchasing
and Supply
To provide an understanding of the
process of negotiation, and the strategies and tactics required for an
effective negotiation complemented by specific aspects of behaviour.
Relationships that exist between
buyers and sellers are complex. They can cover a number of commercial
issues, such as cost, legal definitions, terms and conditions of
contract, delivery, and conformance to quality requirements and
For these relationships to exist
harmoniously in a modern-day commercial environment requires a
specific set of skills, such as understanding each other's objectives,
techniques of persuasion, tactics and the way in which the process of
negotiation can be affected by different types of communication.
1. Planning a negotiation
What is negotiation?
Market analysis
Building a cost model
Carrying out a SWOT analysis
Generating variables
Understanding the supplier
Understanding the people involved
Position and interests
Determining the balance of power
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
1.1 Define 'negotiation'
1.2 Explain the phases of negotiation
1.3 Show an understanding of the time
required for each phase for the negotiation to be effective
1.4 Outline the importance of the
preparation and planning phase and its role in a negotiation
1.5 Explain the concept of supply and
1.6 Explain how external influences can
affect the process and outcome of negotiations
1.7 Explain how internal pressures can
affect the process and outcome of negotiations
1.8 Explain how to identify the
bargaining position of each party, including the power base, the
levels of authority, the strength of the purchase, and the size of the
1.9 Understand how bargaining positions
apply to both individuals and the organisation
1.10 Explain the degree of
responsibility required from those in a negotiation
1.11 Outline how the levels of authority
delegated down affect the decision making process within the
2. Negotiation objectives and
a) Defining objectives and targets
b) Developing the strategy
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
2.1 Understand the effect of differing
objectives on the process of the negotiation
2.2 Define 'strategy' in relation to a
3. The negotiation meeting
Stages of the meeting
Persuasion techniques
Negotiation tactics
Characteristics of successful
Body language
Negotiating with people from other
Negotiating by telephone
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
3.1 Understand the stages of the meeting
3.2 Explain the differences between the
tactics used in a negotiation and the strategic view of negotiations
3.3 Outline the implications of
immediate concessions
3.4 Explain the different psychological
approaches to the negotiating process, through the use of differing
3.5 Describe the attributes of a good
negotiator, and their effect on the negotiation
4. Follow-up to the negotiation
- Implementing the agreement
- Evaluating the agreement
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
4.1 Explain the importance of the
ratification of negotiations once communications have ended
4.2 Explain the importance of reviewing
the negotiation to establish whether it has been successful, through
the analysis of the outcome, the gains, the meeting of predetermined
objectives and the disappointments of non-achievement
4.3 Describe how the process of
evaluation leads into a planning process for the next negotiation or
stage of a negotiation, when objectives may need to be altered.
C4 - Managing Inventory
To provide an understanding of the
methods used by organisations to obtain the right quantities of stock
or inventory.
The holding of stock can be a large
financial burden upon an organisation and needs to be carefully
controlled. It is important that purchasing and supply professionals
understand the methods and techniques for reducing the cost of holding
goods while providing an efficient and effective service to their
1. The costs of holding stock
a) Supply and demand
b) Holding costs
c) Stock evaluation methods
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the
effect of customer demand
1.2 Describe the different costs
involved in holding stock
1.3 Explain the different stock
evaluation methods LIFO, FIFO, average cost, standard cost,
replacement cost
2. Stock control methods
a) Determination of demand
b) Forecasting techniques
c) Stock replenishment systems
d) Determination of safety and service
e) Inventory monitoring and control
f) Stock classification and coding
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
2.1 Explain ways in which demand can be
affected (i.e. seasonal demand)
2.2 Explain the need for forecasting and
demonstrate a knowledge of the different demand forecasting techniques
2.3 Show an understanding of stock
replenishment systems and the use of economic order quantities
2.4 Define the terms 'safety' and
'service levels' and describe their effect on order quantities
2.5 Describe the different ways in which
stock can be classified and the coding systems available
3. Other inventory management
a) Material requirements planning (MRP)
b) Manufacturing resource planning
c) Distribution resource planning
d) Just in Time stocking systems
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
3.1 Describe the systems for determining
dependent demand - MRP and MRP2
3.2 Demonstrate an understanding of how
the MRP system works
3.3 Explain distribution resource
planning and the importance of this system in managing the supply
3.4 Outline the Just in Time philosophy
and the requirements for its success
4. Physical stock management
- Stores/warehouse location
- Stores/warehouse design
- Stockyard design
- Stores/warehouse layout
- Materials handling
- Stock transaction recording
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
4.1 Outline the requirements for the
location of a stores or warehouse
4.2 Identify the factors which should be
taken into account when designing a stores/warehouse
4.3 Identify the factors which should be
taken into account when designing a stockyard
4.4 Describe the general principles of
stores/warehouse layout (i.e. flow, space utilisation and flexibility)
4.5 Explain the principles of efficient
materials handling
4.6 Explain the advantages and
disadvantages of the different types of materials handling equipment
4.7 Outline the different stock
recording and stocktaking methods
- The Business Environment for Purchasing
and Supply
To provide an understanding of the
immediate business environment which affects the organisation and the
individual in business activities.
Organisations and individuals are
affected by a number of internal and external pressures. Some of these
pressures can be controlled and some cannot. The organisation and the
individual must be able to understand the effects of these pressures
on the purchasing and supply function, and be able to respond to them.
1. Types of organisations
- Organisational objectives -
private and public sectors
- The types of economy: planned
economy, market economy, mixed economy
- The sectors of an economy:
primary, secondary and service sectors
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
1.1 Outline the three types of economy
1.2 Distinguish between public and
private sector organisations and understand the influences involved
1.3 Explain the impact of privatisation
1.4 Describe the different business
sectors and their role within the business environment
1.5 Distinguish between the trends in
different business sectors
2. Corporate strategy
a) Strategic planning
b) Three levels of strategy: corporate,
business and functional
c) Generic corporate strategies:
diversification, withdrawal, consolidation, market penetration,
mergers and acquisitions, joint developments and strategic alliances
d) Competition in the marketplace
e) Product development
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
2.1 Show a basic understanding of the
determination of business strategies
2.2 Explain the effect of different
market conditions (i.e., pure, imperfect and monopoly)
2.3 Describe the product development
process and show an understanding of the product life cycle
2.4 Outline the advantages and
disadvantages of horizontal, backwards and forwards integration
3. Organisational structure and
- Types of organisational structure
- Centralised and decentralised
- Organisational cultures
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
3.1 Define the different organisational
structures and how they are managed
3.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the
implications of organisational structure
3.3 Outline the advantages and
disadvantages of centralised and decentralised functions
3.4 Explain how organisations differ in
terms of culture
4. Information systems
- The purchasing system
- IT systems
- eProcurement - electronic data
interchange (EDI)
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
4.1 Outline the advantages and
disadvantages of manual and computer-based purchasing systems
4.2 Demonstrate their understanding of
the purchasing process
4.3 Identify the main requirements of a
purchasing IT system
4.4 Describe how IT will help their
organisations in the future
5. Corporate policies and
- Quality management
- Environmental policy
- Human resources policy
Learning outcomes
In the assessment the candidate may
be required to:
5.1 Demonstrate an understanding of
quality issues and their effect on purchasing decisions and total cost
5.2 Explain 'total quality management'
and the continuous improvement philosophy
5.3 Describe the implications for
business success of adopting environmental standards
5.4 Demonstrate an understanding of
human resource issues such as grievance procedures, discrimination and
health and safety
You will need to
sit a three hour exam in each module.
Many people can finish
the Certificate in eight to twelve
months. If
you can, you should reserve some time to keep up with developments
in purchasing, supply and business in general. You can do that through
newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and the Internet and CIPS also
publish a reading list. It will help you if you look out for real
world examples of the things which you are studying.
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- MCG Centre Number - 005031578